الضعف اللغوي لدى طلاب اللغة العربية في جامعة يوسف ميتما سلي كنو نيجيريا، الأسباب والعلاج


    This research aims to uncover the weakness of speaking Arabic language among students of Arabic language in Yusuf Maitama Sule University Kano examine its causes and recommend some solutions. The research uses the Descriptive and analytical method to describe various problems and then analyze the data collected through descriptive method in providing the solutions. The expected outcomes/ results of the study include the following: There is a weakness in speaking Arabic language among universities students of Arabic language. Feeling inferiority by many Arabic students which makes them ashamed of speaking the language leading to a decline in their level of performance. The Arabic students are not practicing Arabic in and outside lecture rooms. Lack of students’ orientation with the necessary language skills which can help them to acquire the needed speaking skills. The expected solutions to the problem include the following: Providing good orientation with the necessary language skills which can help the Arabic students to acquire the good speaking skills.  Encouraging Arabic language students to avoid feeling inferiority. Encouraging students to communicate in Arabic language in and outside lecture rooms. Arabic language lecturers are to use Arabic language in their interaction with the students to serve as example and to encourage the students. Using modern educational instruments during lectures in order to make learning more interesting.

    DOI: 10.36349/yajoall.2024.v08i01.013

    author/    الدكتور عثمان أبوبكر معاذ  

    journal/YAJOALL | Vol. 8, Issue 1 | 247-270

